Tuesday, April 27, 2010


As mentioned earlier on, cloud computing have a potential to create a disruption in deployment of application and technology use in general. Cloud computing is the evolution of a variety of technologies that have come together to alter an organization’s approach to building out an IT infrastructure. The shift in this platform allow businesses and IT professional to deploy cheap, better and secure application through the internet without necessarily installing any applications on your physical PC. Adoption of cloud computing brings business agility, scalability of service, reduce cost, increase innovation and overall provide flexibility to business applications. Expert believe that, while cloud computing popularity and benefits continue to grow, recent survey shows that many business owners are gradually becoming skeptical of security issues especially with data security, privacy and integrity in the cloud. For instance in a survey conducted about data security and privacy in the cloud, it was discovered that the risk of cloud computing far out weigh its benefit for so many reason. It is true that there plenty of security question unanswered regarding cloud security within the cloud, however the publicity and the benefit it brings to business is unavoidable. Cloud application and infrastructure have finally caught the attention both the private and the public sector.
In summary, I can emphatically say that even though cloud computing have serious concerns in terms of security it is the next generation of technology to deploy application. It is cheap, affordable, flexible, scalable and accessible.

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