Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Businesses of today have increased their investment in information security for the fact that critical business system have moved into an increasingly volatile environment. As organizations embrace new technology such as cloud computing, confidentiality of data gradually found itself in a very risky environment as well. The deployment of applications through the internet is the latest platform which has attracted a lot more concern by privacy advocate and IT communities as a whole. In an every organization, all application and system infrastructure are deployed and manage by IT department. Access to the network systems and applications are secured through network security, and controlled by using education, software and physical control to prevent intrusion from the outside world. This system is more secured and takes into consideration standard and procedures in deploying and maintaining the infrastructure. Secondly, access to data, security of data, and privacy of data are all controlled by the IT staff.
However, the adoption of the cloud moves the control of data, network, infrastructure and physical architecture from the hands of the IT department to a vendor. That is data control, network, system security and applications are all controlled and managed by the cloud vendor or provider. One major challenge of transferring this data in the hands of a third party is will result in compliance issue.
Compliance is one of the major concern about cloud computing. Whilst other countries are much into compliance some countries do not comply and protect data the way it should be.
Broad spectrum of IT executive understands the issue of cloud and security in general, but the most pressing issue which is beyond the hands of the providers is data privacy and security. This issue is usually ignored for some reason. In spite of all these, firms and businesses have paid little attention to privacy and security and concentrating on cost reduction, innovation agility scalability and flexibility of the cloud environment. For business owners to achieve this in the long run there should be adequate mechanism in place to curtail this problem.


1. Harold F Tipton, CISS, and Micki Krause, CISSP: Information Security Management Hand Book; Sixth Edition.
2. George Reese: Cloud Application Architectures; pp133

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