Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The growth and development of cloud computing technologies in recent years have given large and small businesses the opportunity to exploit the cloud platform by delivering and deploying IT infrastructure and services through the internet. The shift in this platform allow businesses and IT professional to deploy cheap, better and secure application through the internet without necessarily installing any applications on your physical PC. Adoption of cloud computing brings business agility, scalability of service, reduce cost, increase innovation and overall provide flexibility to business applications. That is users need to rent a cloud server or thousands of servers which are deployed by a vendor remotely in different geographical locations. With this, data is stored in the cloud by a cloud provider which can be accessed by authorized user or users whenever and wherever they need it for a fee. Despite these qualities that cloud provides, one major concern for and businesses in general is how the adoption of cloud services will affect or impact customers and users. It is important not only to focus on cost savings, but concentrate on most on data confidentiality, security and privacy as whole. That is the adoption of cloud will expose serious data security issue which will eventually cripple businesses in the long run. This paper discusses data security and privacy risks of adopting the cloud computing and addresses the various recommendations enterprise can adopt in implementing cloud applications to ensure data privacy and security.

I. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com
II. http://www.govtec.com/gt/755865

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